Sunday, March 20, 2011


These are the fish that are available for free.



I think this is a female







These pictures were when they were 9 weeks old.


These pictures were taken a couple of weeks on August of 2010.

These pictures below were taken on August 30, 2010. You can see how fast they are growing.

Betta fish spawn log

Introducing the parents, sadly they died a few months after the babies were born.

Father- halfmoon

mother- crowntail

After the third trial the babies were born, on July 10, 2010.
This was the father taking care of the bubble nest where the eggs hatched and the babies were all kept. But you can see that some got past him!

This is what a very young betta fry looks like.

Another picture of the betta fry.

Another close up shot of the betta fry

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Temperature and Water quality

This is the most important information that you could ever read about taking care of fish. It is a very complicated issue that many people don't consider when they purchase a fish. They just think you get a fish, put it in a container of water and that's it. But that is not the case.

This is a very complex cycle

to be continued


 Bettas are carnivorous fish. In their native habitats, they primarily fed on mosquito larvae. But bettas will eat almost anything even if it is not good for them. 

Many pet stores recommend feeding them pellets but from my experience a varied diet is best. Humans don't eat the same food everyday so why should betta fish. There are many other types of food that betta fish enjoy.

Here's a list that I feed my bettas:
Blood-worms - frozen and freeze-dried
Brine Shrimp - live, frozen and freeze-dried
And they will occasionally try to eat algae wafers if your feeding snails. If they do make sure they don't eat ALOT or they will become severely bloated!!
And betta pellets- I recommend getting Aqueon Betta food, their pellets are small and easy for betta's to eat.

You should feed only enough that the fish can consume in five minutes, and remove uneaten food - it can cause water to get dirty and toxic. I use a turkey baster to get uneaten food.

"Pet bettas should not be overfed; a few pellets per feeding is sufficient. Don't pay any attention to the package directions -- they are worded to ensure that you, the consumer, go through as much food as possible without harming your fish, so you can buy more food! One of the main causes of the decline of water quality and sick fish is overfeeding. Bettas kept at room temperature only require a feeding every other day or so, as their metabolisms slow considerably in response to their cooler water." (